BXVI Crushes the
Spirit of the Frogs… Again

For the third time in a season, BXVI played fourth placed Floreat Frogs.

Within the first 5 minutes, BXVI had banged in 4 goals, stunning the Frogs. It was a period when the team just clicked together. Mike (from goals) and Melis (from defence) provided the impetus for the string of quick goals.

Melis cut off a Frogs pass then threaded a quick pass down the line to Dave, who squared the ball to Chris to knock in the first goal. Moments later, the play was repeated, but with Melis passing to Chris who squared to Dave for the second. These two awesome goals in the first minute totally rocked Floreat’s confidence and shattered any hopes they had of winning against BXVI. The other two early goals were scored by Chris and Monty off throws from Mike. Chris scored two times more in the first half to leave it at 6-0 at the break.

From the restart, BXVI came close to going further ahead after Mike (being replaced by Monty in goals) drove a fierce shot past the wall into the bottom corner of the goal, but the goalkeeper got enough behind the ball to keep it out.

An unfortunate lapse in defensive concentration and a quick counter attack gave the Frogs their only goal of the game. Right through the game, Melis, Cat, Justin and Marguerite denied the Frogs possession, pushing up the ground well to make Floreat fight for every centimetre gained.


Dave answered with two fantastic bottom corner goals (one from a sublime pass by Cat) and with one minute to go, the game looked set to finish 8-1.

But that was when Monty turned on the magic…

Monty threw a high ball to Mike deep in attack. Mike’s backwards header was saved by Floreat’s keeper for a corner. Mike took the corner, passing up the line to Melis. Three Floreat defenders rushed at Melis who calmly passed back to Mike in the corner, leaving Mike one-on-one with the keeper. 9-1.

Floreat kicked the ball out from the restart, missing everything. Monty threw an inch perfect ball at the Frogs goals. Mike stretching at full extension got the faintest of touches on the ball with his foot. Whether the Frog’s keeper was unsighted or just not concentrating, the ball flew past him for BXVI’s 10th goal and Mike’s second in one minute off Monty’s throws.

Final score 10-1.

Floreat must wait for the rest of the results of this week to know whether it qualifies for next week’s semi finals. If they do qualify, they will be playing BXVI again.

BXVI finishes the season winning every single game and scoring 150 goals (in 14 games) in the process. We conceded 25 goals. The regular season is now over and it’s down to the finals. BXVI completes its most successful regular season ever and it’s dominance is beyond question. It goes without saying that the next two games are crucial to BXVI’s success this season.

I will keep you up to date with the developments as they happen.

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