BXVI Slaughters Soccerpoos

With a name like Soccerpoos, the result was never really in doubt. BXVI made it hard for themselves, though. Dave Haydon was on anti-histamines for his hives and Mike Haydon started the game like he wasn’t sure where the goals were or how to shoot at them.

Thankfully, with Justin Carrick on the field, Monty superb in goals and Mel Haydon playing absolutely brilliantly, Mike and Dave had a chance to “get with the program”. Mike’s fitness has improved dramatically in the last few weeks and it showed. Despite wasting 5 or 6 solid chances in the first 5 minutes, Mike rebounded to come away with a satisfying hat-trick. Thanks to superb distribution by Monty and ably supported by Justin and Mike, Dave waked away with 8 goals including a sweet nutmeg (through the legs) of the keeper.

left foot volley football

Cat Haydon came within inches of scoring her first for the season. Unfortunately Mike didn’t see her and so shot (and scored) into an open goal when Cat was right there waiting for it in a great position. Sorry wifey :) Next time say something.

Marguerite Klup was also denied a goal by a great reflex save. She was in a great position, Mike split the defence with the pass, Marguerite shot and somehow the keeper just got a foot to it to keep the ball out.

It was great to have Monty back after his hamstring injury. He made a few good saves, but his major contribution was the distribution. He set up at least half the goals with rocket passes to the attacker’s feet or lobs that were over the head of the defenders, but dropped perfectly for our attackers.

Funny situation happened to Mike – one of the Soccerpoos girls, who is about 150 cm was hitting Mike (who is 195 cm and 105 kg), trying to “rough him up” while they were standing waiting for the ball. It was the smallest on one team picking on the biggest on the other. Then she started a hip and shoulder pushing contest (with Mike almost in a crouch) and got upset when she couldn’t win.

All in all, it was a good game, with a pleasing improvement from Justin and Mike and another clean sheet by Monty. The game finished 11-0 with BXVI, after 7 games recording, 6 wins, 1 bye, 90 goals for and 15 goals against.

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